AgWeatherNet & DAS

Updated by Travis Bates

This article details how to connect a private weather station to AgWeatherNet.

AgWeatherNet (AWN) supports private weather station integration into its network through the Tier 3 program.

The WSU Decision Aid System (DAS) supports AgWeatherNet Tier 3 private weather stations that include a leaf wetness measurement. See below for specific configuration details.


To learn more navigate to the AWN web homepage and login with your AWN username and password. Or, visit the AgWeatherNet product page on the METER Group website to request a quote.


After logging in select Private Stations from the menu on the left and click Overview.

Approved Stations

  • Full weather station measuring air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, wind direction, precipitation, and solar radiation, or Shielded temperature and relative humidity sensor. Must include a Data logger that provides measurements on a 15-minute interval.
  • DAS supported weather station measuring air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, wind direction, precipitation, solar radiation, and leaf wetness.

Weather Station only (Request a quote)

  • ATMOS 41 all-in-one weather sensor suite
  • ZL6 Datalogger
  • 15-Minute data plan

DAS Approved Weather Station (Request a quote)

  • ATMOS 41 all-in-one weather sensor suite
  • PHYTOS 31 leaf wetness sensor
  • ZL6 Datalogger
  • 15-Minute data plan

Partial Weather Station (Request a quote)

  • ATMOS 14 shielded Temp/RH/Barometric pressure/Vapor pressure sensor
  • ZL6 Datalogger
  • 15-Minute data plan

Optional Additional Sensors

  • PHYTOS 31 leaf wetness sensor
  • TEROS 21 soil water potential and soil temperature
  • TEROS 11 soil water content and soil temperature
The PHYTOS 31 leaf wetness sensor is required for DAS and certain AgWeatherNet disease models.


The supported ZL6 port configurations are as follows:

  • Port 1: ATMOS 41 all-in-one or ATMOS 14
  • Port 2: PHYTOS 31 leaf wetness sensor
  • Port 3: 8" TERSO 21 or TEROS 11
  • Port 4: 2" TEROS 21 or TEROS 11

How to install a ZL6 data logger: Video


Click on Placement Guidance for information about mounting your weather station and sensors.

Add a Station to AgWeatherNet

When are ready to add a station to the AWN network click Add Station from the menu. Select yes from the dropdown to agree to the terms of service. Select either open access or restricted access.

Add station information:

  • Station name
  • Station description
  • Sponsor
  • Contact name
  • Contact email
  • Contact phone
  • Latitude (available from the METER device)
  • Longitude (available from the METER device)
  • Elevation (available from the METER device)
  • Nearest city
  • County
  • State
  • Zipcode
  • Temperature sensor height
  • Relevant obstructions
  • Station photos


Click on Maintenance to read about the requirements for continued access to your private weather data through the AWN interface.

Subscribe to Station on DAS

After your station has been added to AgWeatherNet and displays data (it could take 24hrs before data is available) you can login to your DAS account and select the station to add it to your subscriptions.

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