Daily Light Photoperiod

Updated by Travis Bates

Daily Light Photoperiod uses measured PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation) or PYR (Solar Radiation) to calculate an accumulated daily photoperiod. The time period resets daily at midnight.

Photoperiod is the total amount of time (hrs) in a 24 hour period that an organism receives light and can be calculated from either a QSO-S PAR Photon Flux sensor or a Pyranometer solar radiation sensor.

Quantum and pyranometer sensors can report non-zero PPFD or solar radiation values even when no light is present. A non-zero threshold is used to filter out values from the total photoperiod. The thresholds are >5 μmol m-2 s-1 for PPFD from the QSO-S quantum sensor and >2 W m-2 solar radiation from the pyranometer sensor.

Compatible Sensors

New Photoperiod chart
  • Click the Environmental model icon.
  • Select Daily Light Photoperiod.
  • Enter a name for the model.
  • Enter a name for the chart.
  • Click Create to save the chart.

ZENTRA Cloud will auto-detect an appropriate sensor input. If there are multiple PAR and or PYR measurements specify the desired input from the sensor inputs drop-down.

(Example: Daily Light Photoperiod).

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