What modem type do I have?

Updated by Elizabeth Smith

This article details how to identify the modem in your data logger.

Please call our sales office at 509.332.5984 or email sales.environment@metergroup.com to discuss upgrade options


EM50G / EM50G Solar data loggers only support 2G or 3G modems.

From the Software

To identify the module type from the software navigate to the Device Configuration page, and select the Communication Settings tab. The module type will be displayed near the bottom of the page. (e.g., 2G or 3G).

2G or 3G modem in ZENTRA Cloud

From the physical modem

Remove the 4 Screws holding your board to the case, and gently flip over the board not removing any cables. Inspect and compare to the pictures below.

Modem type: G24 is a 2G modem

Modem type: H24 is a 3G modem

EM60G/Em60G Solar/ ZL6

EM60G / EM60G Solar / ZL6 data loggers support 3G and 4G modems.

From the Software

To identify the module type from the software navigate to the Device Configuration page, and select the Communication Settings tab. The module type will be displayed near the bottom of the page. (e.g., 4G).


Remove the 4 Screws holding your board to the case, and gently flip over the board not removing any cables. Inspect and compare to the pictures below.

"Lisa" is a 3G Modem

"Sara" is a 4G Modem

Please call our sales office at 509.332.5984 or email sales.environment@metergroup.com to discuss upgrade options

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