API Troubleshoot
When you encounter issues with an API request, please provide the details below so our team can help diagnose and resolve the problem.
Endpoint URL:
Share the specific URL or endpoint you are trying to access. This helps identify the API service you are interacting with.
Request Headers:
Include the headers you’re sending along with the request. Common headers include “Authorization,” and “Content-Type.”
Request Parameters:
Include the query parameters, such as the device serial number, start date, end date, page number, and readings per page.
Explain how you are authenticating with the API.
Error Messages:
If you received an error response, share the exact error message or status code.
Sample Request:
Provide a sample of the actual request you are making so we can run the same request to reproduce the problem. A small snippet of your code is usually sufficient.
Sample Response:
Provide a sample of the response. Describe the difference in the response that you were expecting.
Environment Details:
Mention the programming language, framework, and any relevant libraries you are using.