Create Custom Soil Calibration

Updated by Travis Bates

To enter a soil-specific moisture calibration click the Wrench icon on the left.

Select Calibrations from the menu.

Click the Add New Calibration button.

Enter a name for the calibration. You can choose to Clone values from the existing soil calibrations and then edit them, or start with all fields blank.

Polynomial calibration example: Enter the coefficients in the corresponding sensor row and boxes for each coefficient. (Ex. a:1.17E-09, b:-3.95E-06, c:4.90E-03, d:-1.92).

Coefficients can be entered in scientific notation or full decimal form. For example 1.0e-3 or 0.001.

Linear calibration example: Enter the coefficients in the corresponding sensor row and boxes for each coefficient. (Ex. c:8.50E-04, d:-0.481).

Enter additional media parameters. Click Accept to save the new calibration.

The values for Bulk Density, Dry Dielectric Permittivity and Particle Density are required in order to convert Bulk Soil Electrical Conductivity to Saturation Exctract and or Pore Water EC.

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