Updated by Travis Bates

Quickly look at your data in the field with this lite version of ZENTRA Cloud

Download the app:

If you don’t have an account the Sign Up button will take you to the ZENTRA Cloud main page to create an account before you can log in to the app.

Upon login, the app will open the first Organization in your list. To switch organizations select the menu icon.

Select the desired organization.

On the monitor page, data will be grouped by device and show the last received measurement.

A red exclamation icon indicates when a device has not talked to the server in the last 24 hours.

To collapse the data display and view only battery and signal strength for all devices tap the icon in the lower right. To expand tap the icon again. You can expand and collapse the data displays by individually clicking on a device as well.

The reports page will have your custom made charts from the Dashboard page in ZENTRA Cloud. Tap to expand a report and view the associated charts.

To zoom in on a chart Hold and Drag horizontally.

To return the chart to the default display period tap the refresh icon.

Chart stats are displayed at the bottom of the chart. See our guide here on how to setup stats from the website.

Tap a trace to see its name or value.

Report status notifications are shown on the notifications page.

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