Purchase a Subscription

Updated by Travis Bates

Online order payments are sent to METER Group Inc USA for processing and invoicing.

  1. Select your Username in the upper right-hand corner.
  2. Select Subscriptions from the dropdown menu.

The status of subscriptions for the currently selected organization will be displayed under the Current Plan Period column in the table.

Click the Buy button.

There are two subscription types and one subscription upgrade. The Standard plan is selected by default. The Standard plan is available for cellular and wifi devices. The 15-Minute Upload and Upgrade plans are specific to cellular devices. See plan descriptions here.

If purchasing subscriptions for devices across multiple organizations, select the additional organizations from the drop-down on the page.

When a box is checked the plan type and subscription plan dates will be displayed under the New Plan Period column.

A summary window will show you the current total.

From the summary window, you can choose to buy multiple subscription years for the selected devices (up to three years maximum).

After clicking Add to Cart, the summary window will close and the cart will open in the sidebar.

Pending subscriptions (devices with subscription items in the cart), will be shown in red text in the table to indicate they are awaiting checkout.

You can edit the items in your cart by removing them.

Proceed to Checkout to view an order summary and enter your payment information. Taxes and applicable discounts will be shown here.

At checkout, verify your contact and billing information, then enter your payment info.

Purchase history and invoices can be viewed/downloaded from the History tab.

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