Ground Water Depth

Updated by Travis Bates

Calculate depth to groundwater from HYDROS 21 / CTD sensor depth measurements

Civil and Geotechnical experts use groundwater depth to monitor the depth to groundwater. This simple measurement calculates the depth to groundwater by subtracting the “sensor measured depth” from the “installation depth.”

Groundwater Depth = Install Depth - Head

  • Install Depth is the sensor installation depth from a point of reference, typically a wellhead.
  • Head is the sensor measured water level

Formula: d_gw = d_sen - h_pt

  • d_gw = ground water depth
  • d_sen = sensor installation depth
  • h_pt = head above or sensor measured water level (sensor output)

METER Sensors needed for calculating Ground Water Depth:

Click the science Beaker icon to create new environmental models.

Select the Ground Water Depth environmental model from the drop-down.

Enter a name for the model, and a name for the chart.

Select a device.

An installation depth field will be shown for each input if there are multiple sensors. The sensor depth field will auto-fill from the Measurement Configuration page if a value is present, otherwise, the field will be blank. Enter a value if blank or edit the value as needed.

Click Create to save the chart.

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